Pantai pasir anjing / sand beach dog
Jauh berada di sebuah hole/teluk di daerah pulau taliabu di
desa jorjoga kecamatan taliabu utara
kabupaten pulau taliabu kepulauan sula.ada pantai yang unik yang menarik untuk
di kunjungi karena pantai ini lain dari pantai-pantai yang ada di
Indonesia,pantai pasir putih yang memang tidak terlalu Luas tapi jika kita menginjak
pasir di pantai tersebut maka akan keluar suara seperti suara anjing maka
disebutlah oleh penduduk setempat dengan nama pantai pasir anjing.
Perjalanan menuju lokasi pantai pasir anjing memang tidak
mudah,kita di haruskan naik kapal dari ternate melewati beberapa pelabuhan
kecil dan lama perjalanan sekitar 2 hari
2 malam.
Setelah sampai dipelabuhan kecil jorjoga kita harus naik ojek laut untuk
menyeberang sebuah hole/teluk menuju desa kalimat .
kemudian baru bisa
melakukan perjalan darat dengan menggunakan mobil atau sepeda motor sekitar
perjalanan setengah jam dari penyeberangan.
Setelah kita sampai di dekat lokasi perjalanan di haruskan
dengan berjalan kaki melewati jalan setapak membelah kebun warga .
Setelah perjalanan yang lumayan mengasyikan sampailah kita ke
lokasi pantai pasir anjing
Bisa langsung mencoba untuk mendengarkan suara anjing dari
pasir yang kita injak. Untuk pasir yang mengeluarkan suara anjing ,kita harus
cari pasir yang kering dan menginjaknya
dengan cara di hentak dan di gosokkan sehingga akan keluar suara guk guk guk
seperti suara anjing. Suasana di pantai pasir anjing masih sepi dan alami jauh
dari perkampungan dan dunia luar sehingga masih sangat asli keindahannya.
Bagaimana…? Anda tertarik…?
Mari jalan-jalan menikmati keindahan Indonesia timur
Sand beach dog
Far be in a hole / bay area Taliabu island village north jorjoga subdistrict Taliabu Taliabu unique archipelago beach sula.interesting to visit because of the beach is another of the beaches in Indonesia, white sand beaches that are not overly area but if we step on the sand at the beach, it will exit the voice like a dog then it is called by the locals to name the dog sand beach.
Travel to the location of the dog beach sand is not easy, we may impose on a ship of eclectus passing several small ports and long travel about 2 days 2 nights.
After reaching the small the port jorjoga we must ride motorcycles to cross a hole ocean / bay towards the village of sentences, then mustered overland journey by car or motorbike around half an hour drive from the crossing.
Once we get close to the location of the trip in required to walk through the trail divides the community garden.
After a fairly exciting trip to the location of our came sand beach dog
Can immediately try to listen to the sound of a dog of our sand underfoot. To sand the sound of dogs, we have to look for dry sand and stepped on the way in pounding and rub that will come out woof woof woof sound like the sound of a dog. The atmosphere in the beach sand is still quiet and natural dog away from the village and the outside world that is still very original beauty.
Travel to the location of the dog beach sand is not easy, we may impose on a ship of eclectus passing several small ports and long travel about 2 days 2 nights.
After reaching the small the port jorjoga we must ride motorcycles to cross a hole ocean / bay towards the village of sentences, then mustered overland journey by car or motorbike around half an hour drive from the crossing.
Once we get close to the location of the trip in required to walk through the trail divides the community garden.
After a fairly exciting trip to the location of our came sand beach dog
Can immediately try to listen to the sound of a dog of our sand underfoot. To sand the sound of dogs, we have to look for dry sand and stepped on the way in pounding and rub that will come out woof woof woof sound like the sound of a dog. The atmosphere in the beach sand is still quiet and natural dog away from the village and the outside world that is still very original beauty.
How do I ...? You are interested in ...?
Lets trip to enjoy the beauty of eastern Indonesia
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